Monday, April 11, 2011

Embracing an Exit

Phosphorescent flashes fly across the fading sky   
While all my fears and failures fall from my eyes
And amidst the tedious ties, tithes and highs
I began to sort out stout truth from doubt and lies  
The piercing pain presided in my chest
Welling up and washing over wiping out the rest
And despite hung hopes and hefty hearts
I knew that we as a pair had played our final parts
But your loving lachrymose lingering lips  
Forever perched upon a teetering precipice
Moved maddeningly throughout my mulish mind
Baleful and beautiful an unbreakable bind
In the nebulous nothingness the necrotic thoughts soar
And while you focus on the petals I remember the nettles more
And while your juvenile jugular beats a jiving jungle rhythm
I sing a soulful ode opposed to your sensationalism  
Tell-tale trembles release truths that tumble to the floor
Where they ramble then run on until building into a roar
Meanwhile each malevolent word maintains a malignant meaning
Demeaning and demanding and detrimental to my being
Finally without word or whisper I walk out
Holding strong against the resounding shout
I make my escape fleeing at an insane rate a burning thirst to slate
Furiously and fantastically free I leave to find my fate

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