Sunday, April 28, 2013


Sublimation describes the process in which a substance goes from a solid state to a gaseous one, without first melting and becoming liquid.
Think dry ice--
but dont because it's far too cold.
Think of something less scientific,
like stock in gold!
It's shining, beautiful solid but not really.
You can hold it  with finger tips,
and let it go with computer clicks
It's the idea of something precious,,
but you are not something to be bought or sold.
I know I must sound silly,
and this is me, no really,
this is me coming to terms that you are not mine to hold.
Not in that our relationship is ending
more in that it changing,
where once it sat in the midst of hands holding
fingers twining, boy bands whining,
now it travels in letters ill be sending
and in hopes ill be lending
to you
in case you get a little hopeless
but note those are not for keeps ill need them back
at some point along the way
not tomorrow nor the next day
but eventually.
Cause I get a little hopeless sometimes.
Im sorry that this will be joining a long line
of overused overlapping rhymes
that use pretty similar combinations of the words:
"smile" and "mile" and "see you in a while"
all to convey the same message:
You're far away, and I still love you.
You're disappearing like dry ice,
but less cold,
think sunshine on reddish blonde hair.
and lets take a second to appreciate the fact
that the phrase the world coined was strawberry blonde
because the other option was cherry.
I fucking hate cherries.
I much prefer strawberries,
My dad thought I was nutrient deficient so I had strawberries almost every morning.
I was an obstinent kid and would always resist.
When I complained my dad would sprinkle sugar on them,
like he could make strawberries sweeter.
And I cant wait till he meets you
because he was preparing me for something that is sweeter
sweeter than southern ice tea
sweeter than  the scent of summer pine trees
sweeter than syrup spread generously
sweeter than hive robbing fingers covered in honey
sweeter than light blue cotton candy
like he was telling me:
listen pal one day you'll meet her,
the girl sweeter than strawberries,
she'll taste like this.
Sublimation describes the process in which a substance goes from a solid state to a gaseous one with out first melting and becoming a liquid.
Think a beautiful girl.
Who is sweeter than strawberries.
Who is slipping through my fingers.