Start running, push off that gravel and don't stop
Keep reaching, grab that next rung and pull yourself to the top
Don't look back, there's nothing there home is gone
Keep running, let your feet fall in rhythm and don't stop
Keep climbing, that summit is all yours, you belong at the top
Don't look back there's nothing there but things done wrong
Keep running, ignore your aching muscles and don't stop
Keep pushing, those barriers wont keep you from the top
Don't look back there's nothing there you've been away so long
Keep running, breathe deep, breathe even and don't stop
Keep moving, you can be still when you've reached the top
Don't look back, there's nothing there but a cliched song
Stop running! Rest now let me see you before you start again
I can barely see you from all the way down here
Take a look back sometime, we miss you back home