Sunday, May 22, 2011

Devil's Advocate

Ahh look at this sun, radiating beauty, purity, innocence.

Innocence? HA! Like innocence could exist here, even your precious sun makes shadows, only in the creation of light can darkness be found

Well see here the majesty and power of the ocean!

The ocean is a king confined to his throne, his power is a sham, he can struggle to rise out of his chair, but he will be chained, forever.

What of the sky? It has no beginning and no end, truly free! 
Free for what? To expand forever into nothingness? Has the sky ever gripped you? shaken you with its power? It may be free but it is purposeless.

And the ground upon which I stand, holding up the weight of the world?

You make it sound so strong! It is riddled with cracks and cavers, even molten lava runs through it the ground is useless out of its own division.

So what?What should all these things mean for me

I just told you!

Don't strive for innocence when by your nature you are dark, with light within so must dark be within, recognize it and take away its power 

Don't be fooled by the appearance of power, for power only exists within boundaries and as soon as those boundaries are reached all appearance of power is gone, power like all things power is relative.

Don't fear tethers, finding something worth tying yourself  is a gift within itself. Living for the sake of living will leave you empty

Don't believe anything is too solid, you know nothing in this world, the next second of your life could be an end or a new beginning. Things are always shifting dividing and crumbling, take solace in the lack of human permanence.

Know yourself, do not fear power, look for worthy links, be prepared for change.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thems & Theys

Look for a face man
realize who you're killing
who you want dead
the massive numbers of people
you have the right to condemn
so pull away the masks
the turbans, the burkas and hijabs
look at who you're killing
man up and dont say
"they did it"
"I'm against them"
know your enemy
if you cant love them
cause really
that's what you should do
but don't let me stop you
throw around the thems and theys
just know that in their homes
in their hearts
they are human
they were made by God
they have a plan and a purpose
condemning them
does not bring them to God
it takes away their ability to come.

Prayer and Practice

I would like to practice,
to put my theories into play,
to show that all these things
aren't just something I say

I would like to show
all the sarcastic naysayers,
the people that snip and snipe,
that God does answer prayers

I would like to push back
against doubt, against wrong
to show the faith proves true,
even if it does take long

But there is little I can do,
just kneel and pray,
through my faith I know
God has the final say

My shoes.

Most people who have known me for a while know I don't really care about my shoes.
In fact, I like to think my shoes kind of match my personality.
For instance, my current shoes are monochrome black.
Not flashy, not fancy just simple.
I like to think I'm not flashy or fancy, kinda simple ya know?
But, I also run around and I'm really energetic, so my shoes are all torn up.
I don't know, I guess I ijust like my beat up ol' sneaks.